Human Services Agency

How do I get my child back from protective custody?

Unless the court orders differently, the goal of HSA is to reunify you and your child. Prior to the Adjudicatory Hearing, you will be assigned a permanency social worker. This new social worker and the assessment social worker will develop a case plan with you. The case plan identifies what you and HSA must do to provide a safe environment for your child. It is important for you to take an active role in creating your case plan. It is important for you to maintain contact with your social worker because your permanency social worker will assist you in achieving your case plan goals. 
A case plan is a "working document" that changes during your involvement with Social Services and the court. No changes should occur in your case plan without your knowledge. The court reviews all case plans. You should be aware that the court might order you to do additional things that are not listed in the case plan.
Your participation in the services identified by safety plans, case plans and court orders is how you show that it is safe and appropriate to have your child returned to your care. In order to reunify with your child, you must make significant progress on the case plan prior to the permanency hearing.
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